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If you can't do it hire a professional

Cherie Hyatt Freelance writer

Writing is my passion.
See:,, Houston NW Chamber of Commerce newsletter. I write poetry and short stories, mostly humorous also.

I'm the owner of Hyatt Promotional Products and wearer of many hats.

Cherie Hyatt
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USS Lexington Museum Corpus Christi, TX

This is a great place to visit when in Corpus Christi.
For more info

See my photos on Flickr

Information on Forwarding Emails

After all your friends get po'd when you tell them not to forward any life ending emails, send them this article.

I will not forward or answer these types of emails again. God will still love me if I don't forward all those messages. My luck will not turn bad. I will not collect money from Bill Gates for sending the most emails. This information
from may help you understand why.
If you are going to pass something along, Let it be THIS!
Just a word to the wise. E-mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other municipality. To be acceptable, petitions must have a signed signature and full address. Same with "prayer chains" -- be wary.

Almost all e-mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards. All it was, and all this type of e-mail is, is to get names and "cookie" tracking info for telemarketers and spammers to validate active e-mail accounts for their own purposes.
Any time you see an e-mail that says forward this on to "10" of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get good luck, or what ever, it has either an e-mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and e-mails of those folks you forward to, or the host sender is getting a copy, each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of "active" e-mails to use in spam e-mails, or sell to others that do.

Please forward this notice to others and you will be providing a good service to your friends, and will be rewarded by not getting 30,000 spam e-mail in the future.
(If you have been forwarding the above kinds of email, now you know why you get so much spam!) Jesse Smith

Take the Wildlife Pledge!

Follow these four easy steps and open your backyard to a wonderful world of wildlife.
  1. Grow native plants found in your area, including trees, shrubs, and other plants that offer food such as pollen, nectar, nuts, cones, berries and other seed.
  2. Provide water for wildlife with a birdbath,small pond, or shallow dish...or care for a natural spring or stream on or near your habit.
  3. Create protective cover for wildlife by growing a meadow, a prairie, densely branched shrubs, when appropriate evergreens. Place hollow logs and rock piles in your yard.
  4. Build birdhouses, attached to metal poles and monitor their use. Grow host plants for butterfly and moth caterpillars to eat and provide dense plantings to create safe areas for nesting wildlife
If you haven't already, create a wildlife friendly yard officially certified through NWF's Wildlife Habit program and help us reach our goal of 100,000 certified habits.
To get started, visit

Sunday at McDonalds, Tomball,Texas

Sunday I went into Tomball to the MCD wi-fi to do some software updates which would take days out here in the dial up swamp. I was joined by my psychologist friend Annie Tornabene. We were ask many times what we were doing on our laptops and ended up meeting some real nice folks. Nick Gilliland and family were so nice along with the three church ladies that ask if I was Willie Nelson. Also from Magnolia were a son and mom that were so charming.. thanks for being so friendly.

Tomball Potpourri Article

I have been overwhelmed by the response from the article in The Tomball Potpourri, written by Contributing Writer NANCY YODER-KARP about my National Wildlife Habit Certification and I have been given additional information to share:
A young Tomball resident named Bryan informed me that the Chinese Tallow and Crepe Myrtle are not native to this area. I also call myself a default Aggie because my degree is in Ag Ed/Horticulture from Texas A&M Commerce. One of the major questions I have been ask, What is RSD or CRPS, called complex regional pain syndrome. Here is a brief description of my information on the subject.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a disabling neurological disease involving nerve, skin, muscle, blood vessels and bones. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RSD) also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic neurological syndrome characterized by symptoms that include persistent moderate-to-severe pain, swelling, abnormal skin color changes, skin temperature, sweating, limited range of movement, and movement disorders. There is no cure at this time. Thanks Nancy, thanks Tomagwa, thanks to The Terra Verde Community Church and St Annes.





Charity For Veterans With Needs

UNDER CONSTRUCTION Purpose of our Charity

Not Open Yet Help us raise money for our first Container Home.


Speakeasy Speed Test