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News From the City of Tomball

Tomball Today

Weekly E-Newsletter
March 18, 2011

Tomball Depot Now Open on Sundays
1 PM - 5 PM

This newsletter lets you know what is happening in Tomball every week!  Please feel
free to forward this to as many people as you would like.  If you or someone you
 know would like to join our e-newsletter list, you can sign up at the City's website,
Stay up-to-date on the progress of the Downtown Specific Plan and mark your calendars
for our upcoming meetings!


Save The Date!
Be sure to mark your calendars so that you don't miss any of the fun and exciting
events coming soon:

* March 25, 26, 27 - German Heritage Festival
* March 31 - Tomball Youth Opportunities Fair
* April 2 - Farmers Market Opens
* April 9 - 3rd Annual Bunny Run 5K
* April 9 - "A Day of Healthy Living" Health Expo
* April 9 - 2nd Saturday at the Depot
* April 18 to 23 - Tomball Spring Clean Up
* April 30 - GTACC Business Continuity Workshop
Check back for more information on these events and others.  If you have any questions,
please call 281-290-1001.

Public Service Announcement!

If you suspect a gas leak:

* Leave the house immediately and take others with you.
* Don't use your home phone or cell phone; call your gas supplier or the telephone
operator for assistance from a neighbor's house.
* Don't light a match, cigarette, or candle.
* Don't turn on a light.
* Don't switch on anything electrical, including appliances and computers.

If you suspect a gas leak, please contact the City of Tomball immediately at 281-290-1400
during regular business. For nights, weekends, and holidays please call 281-351-5451
for 24 hour call duty or 911 in emergency cases.

Walk Tomball:

Saturday, March 19 at 9 AM

Meet us at the Depot at 9 AM for stretching followed by 1, 2, and 3 mile walking
 routes.  This week's 10 AM coffee will be at El Emperador - 601 W. Main.  Don't
 feel like walking, come for just the coffee, but remember you must walk and be
present to win great door prizes.

Tomball German Heritage Festival: March 25, 26, & 27

Join the City of Tomball and the Tomball Sister City Organization at the 11th Annual
German Heritage Festival, located in downtown Tomball.

For more information, visit [
Tomball Genealogical Society Meeting: March 26 at 10 AM

On Saturday, March 26 at 10 AM the Chaparral Genealogical Society will host their
meeting at the Amegy Bank on Hwy. 249, in Tomball.

Stop by to enjoy Virgil Theiss as he provides a glimpse into the history of the
Spring area.

For more information call the Chaparral Society at 281-356-2125.

Lone Star College - Tomball Open House: March 31 at 5 PM

Lone Star College - Tomball is hosting an open house on Thursday, March 31 starting
at 5 PM.

Stop by to tour the campus, speak with students and faculty, and see all LSC - Tomball
has to offer.


Tomball Farmers Market Opening Soon!

Every Saturday: April 2 - July 30

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

The 2011 market season will focus on providing our community with 18 weeks of the
freshest, locally grown produce in town,  with more selection than ever before!
 The season has been revised to have produce available to you every week throughout
the heaviest produce seasons.  The market will also stay open an hour later this
 year to accommodate those who have ball games and other errands on Saturday mornings.

For more information on the Farmers Market, please visit


3rd Annual Bunny Run:

Saturday, April 9

Historic Tomball Depot

201 S. Elm, Tomball, Tx

Start Times:

Certified 5K-8:00 AM

Children's 1 Mile-8:45 AM

To register, call 281-351-5484 or email [].


A "Day of Healthy Living Tomball!": Saturday, April 9

The Tomball Area Health Awareness Organization and the City of Tomball are excited
to be working together to promote "The Day of Healthy Living in Tomball" on Saturday,
April 9, 2011 and we would like to invite you to participate!


* 3rd Annual Tomball Bunny Run
* Health Expo
* 2nd Saturday at the Depot

For more information on the Health Expo, please visit


2nd Saturday at the Depot:

April 9 starting at 5 PM

Located at the historic Tomball Depot Plaza - 201 S. Elm Street.

* Join us for kids' games and activities, music, arts, and a movie.
* Music:  Tony Swonke
* Movie:  Dr. Dolittle - Movie begins at Dark
* In case of rain, event moves to the Tomball Community Center, 221 Market Street

City of Tomball

Spring Clean Up

April 18, 2011 to April 23, 2011

Monday - Saturday - 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

For more information, please call 281-290-1400
Clean Up Flyer [

Continuity of Operations/Business Continuity Workshop: April 30 at 9:00 AM

The Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce is hosting a 6-hour Business Continuity
workshop at Lone Star College - Tomball on April 30.  The workshop will be held
in the Elmer L. Beckendorf Conference Center from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

The workshop is being sponsored by the Tomball Area Local Emergency Planning Committee,
the TEDC, and the Tomball Fire Department.

For more information or to register, contact the Chamber at [] or call 281-351-7222.

For more information on the City of Tomball, please visit us at
callme at 281-290-1007 or email me at [].
 I look forward to hearing from you.
Gretchen Fagan

March/April 2010 Meetings
March 21
- 7 PM City Council(City Hall)
April 4
- 7 PM City Council(City Hall)
April 11
- 6 PM Planning and Zoning
(City Hall)
April 18
- 7 PM City Council(City Hall)
Click Here to View Agendas

City of Tomball | 401 Market Street | Tomball | TX | 77375


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