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Biased Media Tells Only One Side

Just the Short List of Media Coverage during the 2012 Election
Presidential Leadership
Congress hasn’t passed a budget in 3 years, the press says nothing.
Military personnel have to be bribed or coerced into attending Presidential appearances, they cannot respect their Commander and Chief; the press says nothing.
There are more law suites filed against the US Government by its own employees and internal divisions than at any time in history, the press says nothing.
The pledge to unite has been so totally ignored that our political division is at its highest since the Civil War, the press says nothing.
Administration’s Track Record
There is none, mostly just setbacks, no tangible successes of any kind other than “unity”, “hope” and “change”….and a hollow claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden; the press says nothing.
Foreign Policy
In the past Obama has bowed to foreign leaders and apologizes to them thereby weakening our global position; the press said nothing.
Recently our embassies were stormed, an ambassador was horribly murdered, other US citizens and military personnel were killed, but Obama approved continued foreign aide to the perpetrators, apologized for the American-made film that gave them the excuse to riot, and does nothing to bring them to justice; the press says nothing.
Today Iran is threatening Israel and the US with military and terrorist actions because of Obama’s failed foreign policy regarding Iran’s nuclear weapons program and our neglected alliance with Israel; the press says nothing.
Domestic Policy
Food prices take the highest jump in 50 years and are project to go much higher; the press says nothing.
“Temporary” amnesty is given to alien workers in order to buy votes while our system is overburdened with a huge number of unemployed US CITZENS; the press says nothing.
Insurance premiums and medical costs take huge increases in spite of Obama’s forced health care reforms; the press says nothing.
Gas prices soar; the press says nothing.
Every major energy producer has put their money squarely against Obama instead of the traditional hedging of their bets by backing both candidates; the press says nothing.
Economic Policy
The value of the dollar has shrunk more in the past 2 years than during any time in US history; the press says nothing.
The gargantuan, unread stimulus program Democrats rammed trough Congress didn’t have any measurable positive effect on economic recovery; the press says nothing.
The Obama administration says he created 4.5 million jobs but ignores the 4.9 million job decline resulting in a net 400,000 net job loss; the press says nothing.
Obama touts an 8% unemployment rate but doesn’t include those working two to three jobs just getting by until they get a real job, or the people who have stopped looking for work and settle for jobless benefits; the press says nothing.
The National Federation of Independent Business, the US Chamber of Commerce and the National Association for the Self-Employed along with many others have surveyed their members who have all said the health care mandates will kill approximately 1.2 million jobs in 2013 and ‘14; the press says nothing.
Greece has fallen yet Obama continues to head down the exact same path that historically ends in social collapse; the press says nothing.
We don’t take in enough in tax revenues to pay for essential services and still service the interest on our debt; the press says nothing.
National Security
Border security is a joke and our friend Mr. Holder isn’t helping with his crazy Fast and Furious schemes; the press says nothing.
Credit is taken for political gain after an effort to eliminate Osama Bin Ladin was carried out with very little effort by Obama; the press says nothing.
Military morale is at its lowest point in history, suicides are at their highest, the press says nothing.
No white man could have ever gained the presidency with such a deplorable record of failure and inexperience; the press says nothing.
This presidency is riddled with race baiting and side taking without review of the facts; the press says nothing
Obama praises his own attitudes of religious freedom yet wages a quiet but documented war against the actions and practices of Christians; the press says nothing.
Obama uses reverence when he refers to Muslims or the Koran yet uses distain when talking of Catholics and the Bible; the press says nothing.
Countless criticisms are made of Romney’s Mormonism but none are made of Obama being a closet Muslim, Biden’s Catholicism is accepted but Ryan’s isn’t; the press says nothing.
Romney makes his “47%” statement which was fairly accurate; the press goes ape shit and calls the election.

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